"🌼🌸🌻🌹 Salam Guys,
So i nak share satu skincare nei hahahaha korang nak x kulit cam Kita neii haha gmbr tu x edit or any spacial effect okayy...hahaha kulit cam korean gitu ann
So skincare nei name nye "SKINCARITY THECURVE"
Hah.....special "SKINCARITY THECURVE"nei dia berfungsi untk -Bagi muka lg nmpak Bercahaya Glowing tanpa Makeup ,( Flawless 24jam) Kedut hilang,Tegang selalu, Dagu V, Minyak ,Segala Jerawat Parut Hilang (kalau ada) & Kulit Licin Bersih dlam masa 4 / 5 hari itu shaja .dari bayi hingga lelaki/wanita 80han ,segala" jenis dan segala" masalah kulit sgtsgt sesuai wajib pakai sebab tu dia jd World No1 BestSkinCare & Malaysia No1 Beauty Product hahhha
So x Jeles ke gan kulit kita tuu????muka pun cam korean kan hahahaha
Kay satu Botol harga dia RM 250 inc postage boleh tahan dalam 2 bulan stgh haha Jimat kan????
Cara2nye: just roll kat muka dlm 2-3 kali setiap MALAM sblum tido and biarkn kering then urut2 sikit and terus lompat kat katil terus tido hahahaha inshaAllah kalau pakai dgn betul,Makan makanan yg betul dlm seminggu boleh dpt result ye kakak2,mak cik2,pak cik2,abg2,Atok2 and adik2 semua hahaha so berminat??just
Wc:mrsweetlollipop3 🌹🌻🌸🌼"
Hye Hipsters you guys can call me frizzle Here i want to share my style and some of easy diy Im from Malaysia and in this blog i will try to show the easy way the cheapest way to look more stylish so hope you guys will enjoy my blog so xoxo..
Friday, 12 December 2014
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
HairStyles toturials
Looking for Hairstyles Girls??so here some toturials how to do hairstyles for girls hope its helpful and i will update more of it okayy
Love you guys ^_^ v
Denim Studs Jacket
First thing first if you want to look hipster you guys need A denim jacket okayyy if you dont habe one go buy it like RIGHT NOWWW!!
Monday, 8 December 2014
1) Bancuh pekat 3 sudu susu dengan sedikit air.
Sapukan bancuhan susu ini pada kesan dakwat selama
setengah jam. Kemudian cuci dengan sabun atau
detergen seperti biasa dan jemur hingga kering.
2) Titiskan cuka ke atas kesan dakwat tersebut. Biarkan
selama 5 minit dan kemudian gosok dengan tangan
untuk mengeluarkan dakwat tersebut. Ulang beberapa
kali hingga kesan dakwat hilang. Kemudian cuci dengan
sabun atau detergen seperti biasa dan jemur hingga
3) Titiskan air limau yang bercampur dengan garam
pada tanda dakwat dan gosok-gosoklah dengan
tangan. Biarkan ia seketika sebelum membasuhnya
seperti biasa.
4) Semburkan penyembur rambut pada kesan dakwat.
Biarkan kering seketika. Kemudian bilas dengan air
yang dicampur dengan sedikit cuka. Cuci dengan sabun
seperti biasa, berus kesan dakwat dengan berus kain,
bilas dan jemur hingga kering.
5) Guna barangan cosway iaitu Laundry Pre-Wash.
Semburkan Laundry Pre-Wash pada kawasan yang
terkena dakwat. Biarkan selama 5 minit dan kemudian
gosok dengan tangan untuk mengeluarkan dakwat
tersebut. Ulang beberapa kali hingga kesan dakwat
6) Guna liquid pencuci dynamo. Sapukan liquid dynamo
pada tompokan dakwat pada baju, gosok perlahan-
lahan. Biarkan seketika. dan cuci baju tersebut seperti
7) Guna Vanish . Sapukan campuran Vanish Power O2
Powder dan Vanish Power Gel, atau Vanish Power O2
Powder dan Vanish Power Liquid. Gosok pelahan-lahan
pada tompokan dakwat dan biarkan seketika. Larutkan
1sudu Vanish Power O2 Powder dalam air suam (max
40°) . Rendamkan baju tersebut semalaman. (Jangan
gunakan pada sutera).
Sunday, 7 December 2014
5 Ways To Boost Your Self Esteem Quickly
1) Think back to when you did something new for the first time.
Learning something new is often accompanied by feelings of nervousness, lack of self belief and high stress levels, all of which are necessary parts of the learning process. The next time you feel under-confident, remembering this will remind you that it's perfectly normal - you're just learning!
2) Do something you have been putting off.
Like writing or calling a friend, cleaning the house, tidying the garden, fixing the car, organizing the bills, making a tasty and healthy meal - anything that involved you making a decision, then following through!
3) Do something you are good at.
Examples? How about swimming, running, dancing, cooking, gardening, climbing, painting, writing... If possible, it should be something that holds your attention and requires enough focus to get you into that state of 'flow' where you forget about everything else. You will feel more competent, accomplished and capable afterwards, great antidotes to low self esteem!
And while you're at it, seriously consider doing something like this at least once a week. People who experience 'flow' regularly seem to be happier and healthier.
4) Stop thinking about yourself!
I know this sounds strange, but low self esteem is often accompanied by too much focus on the self. Doing something that absorbs you and holds your attention can quickly make you feel better.
5) Get seriously relaxed.
If you are feeling low, anxious or lacking in confidence, the first thing to do is to stop thinking and relax properly. Some people do this by exercising, others by involving themselves in something that occupies their mind. However, being able to relax yourself when you want is a fantastic life skill and so practicing self hypnosis, meditation, or a physically-based relaxation technique
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Friday, 5 December 2014
6 tips to lose weight..
1. Never get too hungry
You make poor decisions when your judgment is compromised. Hunger is a primal urge that’s difficult to deny. When you're famished, it's hard to hold off until you can find healthy food. As a result, you end up eating anything that's not nailed down, and typically, regretting it. Planning meals and snacks works wonders to head off the intense hunger that can do a number on your best intentions to eat right. Always tote healthy snacks, such as an ounce of pistachios, a hard-cooked egg and some whole grain crackers, Greek yogurt, or 1/4 cup risins. Don't skip meals or skimp on them, either. snacksthat fill you up!
2. Be honest about your daily calorie allowance
Everyone has a calorie budget, whether you're trying to maintain your weight or lose a few pounds. I've found that people ignore this simple fact. Your calorie budget allows you to build a healthy diet, and it helps prevent frustration about weight control. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans provide suggested daily calorie intakes based on gender, age, and physical activity level. When you know your calorie budget, then you can plan on how many servings of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and other protein sources to include every day.
3. Eat right post-workout
People are notorious for overestimating how many calories they burn during physical activity, which is often far less than actual calories burned. When you overestimate the calories you burn during exercise, you may eat more than you need, making weight loss and maintenance difficult. High-intensity exercise may drive women to eat more, and moderate exercise may be the key to easier weight control. To see how many average calories you’re burning during everyday activities and exercise, check out this chart from the CDC. You can see how easy it is to wipe out the calories burned during a workout with just a few extra nibbles during the day.
4. Use the red, orange and green rule
At each meal include one food that is any of these colors. By focusing on these foods, you'll be sure to get some produce on your plate and won't have space on your plate for higher-calorie fare. (Bonus: Colorful fruits and veggies help your skin look healthier and younger! Here's what to eat for glowing skin!)
5. Eat one less bite
Doing this at every meal could save about 75 calories a day which equates to nearly an 8-pound weight loss in one year!
6. Be a heavy drinker
Water is essential for keeping the body hydrated and we're actually more likely to retain "water weight" by not drinking enough of it rather than by having too much. The needs of each person will be different, but the general recommended daily amount is 64 ounces. It also takes up space in your stomach so you'll feel fuller while taking in less calories. Find out the best non-boring ways to get in your recommended servings of water.
6 tips to lose weight..
1. Never get too hungry
You make poor decisions when your judgment is compromised. Hunger is a primal urge that’s difficult to deny. When you're famished, it's hard to hold off until you can find healthy food. As a result, you end up eating anything that's not nailed down, and typically, regretting it. Planning meals and snacks works wonders to head off the intense hunger that can do a number on your best intentions to eat right. Always tote healthy snacks, such as an ounce of pistachios, a hard-cooked egg and some whole grain crackers, Greek yogurt, or 1/4 cup risins. Don't skip meals or skimp on them, either. snacksthat fill you up!
2. Be honest about your daily calorie allowance
Everyone has a calorie budget, whether you're trying to maintain your weight or lose a few pounds. I've found that people ignore this simple fact. Your calorie budget allows you to build a healthy diet, and it helps prevent frustration about weight control. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans provide suggested daily calorie intakes based on gender, age, and physical activity level. When you know your calorie budget, then you can plan on how many servings of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and other protein sources to include every day.
3. Eat right post-workout
People are notorious for overestimating how many calories they burn during physical activity, which is often far less than actual calories burned. When you overestimate the calories you burn during exercise, you may eat more than you need, making weight loss and maintenance difficult. High-intensity exercise may drive women to eat more, and moderate exercise may be the key to easier weight control. To see how many average calories you’re burning during everyday activities and exercise, check out this chart from the CDC. You can see how easy it is to wipe out the calories burned during a workout with just a few extra nibbles during the day.
4. Use the red, orange and green rule
At each meal include one food that is any of these colors. By focusing on these foods, you'll be sure to get some produce on your plate and won't have space on your plate for higher-calorie fare. (Bonus: Colorful fruits and veggies help your skin look healthier and younger! Here's what to eat for glowing skin!)
5. Eat one less bite
Doing this at every meal could save about 75 calories a day which equates to nearly an 8-pound weight loss in one year!
6. Be a heavy drinker
Water is essential for keeping the body hydrated and we're actually more likely to retain "water weight" by not drinking enough of it rather than by having too much. The needs of each person will be different, but the general recommended daily amount is 64 ounces. It also takes up space in your stomach so you'll feel fuller while taking in less calories. Find out the best non-boring ways to get in your recommended servings of water.
More Confidence Guys...
Okay this some Examples of simple styles that make you guys feel more confidence and pop out your manly personalities...
So I hope this help you little bit guys TTYL
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Easy DIY...♥♥
Hye guys,
Today i will show you guys an Easy DIY from http://www.clonesnclowns.com/2013/05/15/fashion-diy-bumble-bee-espadrills/
Okay today DIY is How to make bumble bee Espabrills shoes
Okay you will need:
- yellow nail polish or fabric paint
- pencil
- Black marker
- Pair of shoes
So the step is:
- Dip your nail polish (image 1) and use it as a stamp to pattern your shoes all over (image2&3)
-to draw your bees, just go for simple...just draw the bees like (image 4) and simply draw them with marker (image 5)
-cover each dot (image 6) and your done Yeahh!!!
Easy as 1,2,3 Right????Hope you guys can try this out cause this DIY so Easy and so fashionable so Goodluck guys
got to go Bye
Matching Clothing colours to Skin tones
so here 3 types of skins tone and with examples of colours that suit with your skins
-Light skin tone look good with dark colours even some pale colours look good too, So the conclusion is light skin tone is more easily to style with any types of colours
EXAMPLES: Navy,cardinal,plum,Kelly green,Amethyst
-This type of skin look better with Primary colour,
It's make you look more Fresh,younger and pop up your personalities
EXAMPLES: Pink,red,blue,lemon,green
-In this skin tone you should be careful cause you don't want to look more darker so some light colours or pale colours really suit you well
EXAMPLES: Maize,Lilac,lime,light blue,white
Men’s hair: how to choose the right hairstyle for your face shape
Here some tips:
Triangular face shape
Characteristics of a triangular face shape: wide
cheekbones and forehead, pointed chin.
Complement this face shape by:
opting for longer hairstyles with plenty of layers
to add width and volume on top
sporting a slight fringe that could help soften
the silhouette
choosing a style that will narrow your forehead
area and add the illusion of width to the chin
trying on Justin Timberlake’s hairstyle from
“Suit and Tie” or Ryan Gosling’s Gangster Squad
hairstyle as both celebrities are perfect examples
of triangular shaped faces
Killer Hipster Girls outfits
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Best InstaShop Ever
Here the link to this instashop like srsly their clothes so awesome and affordable and I just love it here the link http://i.instagram.com/twilight_boutique/
Its getting Colder
SEASON getting colder and you don't wanna to get some cold right??Haha
So here some inspiration for look Stylish for Winter
Hope this can help you guys hehh okay TTYL guys
Simple Me
Thats me hahaha,
Im wearing shirt that made by me
Tie-dye jean also Also made by me
And sneakers from All stars
Bad Nerdy style
Hye hipsters,
This is my friend Olivia and actually she kinda look like a nerd to keep at school and one day when I saw her outside from school she look damn different and I shocked cause she have a good sense of fashion I just Adore her so much hahaha kaykay over n out...
Hey this my simple hipster style
FYI the shirt i bought from triftshop actually it's just a plain sweatshirt but I DIY it and tadaaa hahaha I know u guys think WHY HIBSTER not HIPSTER ya actually it's my own way to spell it Haha don't judge bitch hahaa kaykay hope you like w my style....
FAshion about
So just be yourself and just ignore w those bitches says and killed the street
You know what i mean right??HAhahaa whatever kaykay see you later TTYL..
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Matching Clothing colours to Skin tones
Let's Begin this Story
Welcome to my first Blog and I'm so excited
Can't wait to posting alll about Hipsters fashions
And I hope you guys like it Xoxo...🌸🌻🌼🌹